The Jefferson-Clarion Pre-K Counts program is a high-quality prekindergarten education program for three and four-year-olds funded by the Pennsylvania Office of Child
Development and Early Learning. Children participate in classes five days a week and attend a total of 180 classroom days each year.
There are four part-day classrooms that children attend for three hours per day. There are nine full-day classrooms that children attend for five and a half (5.5) hours per day.
Every component of our Pre-K Counts program is designed to provide high-quality early education for those children who can benefit most from the experience. Children who come to kindergarten without knowing all the skills they need often stay behind and struggle in school. Quality pre-kindergarten prepares children for reading, paying attention, following directions and getting along with others. Pre-K Counts gives children a chance to learn, to become excited about school and to be better students. This strong early start in pre-kindergarten means they have a better chance of doing well in school, of going on to college or career training and of getting a job.
Each child who participates in a PA Pre-K Counts classroom in Jefferson or Clarion county will have the opportunity to participate in large group activities, small group activities, and one on one instruction. Children also participate in gross and fine motor activities, songs, games, free play which includes choosing from multiple centers such as dramatic play, math and science, art, sand and water, reading and writing centers, manipulatives, computer and other areas. The children also have the opportunity to enjoy outside activities and try different foods during meals and cooking experiences.
Children between the ages of 3 and 4 who are at risk for school failure because of income (must be below 300% of the federal poverty level, or a family of 4 earning less than $73,800 this year) are eligible to receive Pre-K Counts services. Other risk factors may be used to determine priorities for selection.
The PA Pre-K Counts program offers the following
in its classrooms:
• Teachers with the education and expertise to teach young children.
• A curriculum that will help children grow academically and socially.
• Regular review of every child’s progress and teaching and learning activities that are individualized for each child.
• Transitional services to ease a child from home to pre-kindergarten and then from pre-kindergarten to kindergarten.
• Developmental, speech/language, behavioral, and health screenings.