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Parents as Teachers

Parents as Teachers builds strong communities, thriving families and children who are healthy, safe and ready to learn by matching parents and caregivers with trained professionals who make regular personal home visits during a child’s earliest years in life, from prenatal through kindergarten.

Parents as Teachers helps you understand child development and connects you to the resources you need to make the best choices for your family and also offers free personal visits customized for the needs of your family.

Together on each visit, we’ll:

• Look at your child’s development and talk about the parenting challenges you face right now.

• Think about family dynamics impacting your child’s development, your parenting values and decisions.

• Build strong protective factors to keep you, your child and your family healthy, strong and resilient.

How does it work?

Since this is your child and your family, you set the agenda for each personal visit. Your personal parent educator is there to provide well-researched information to help you make good parenting decisions, and to provide concrete support for you in times of need.

Group connections also link you to other parents so you can learn and support each other, and grow together as parents.

Regular screenings will make sure your child is healthy, safe and developing on track.

Need more help or a special resource? Your parent educator will make the introduction and connect you.

Parents as Teachers children are healthy, safe and ready to learn.

• They’re healthier.

• They score higher on Kindergarten readiness tests.

• They’re better problem solvers.

• They’re more advanced in language and social development.

Parents as Teachers parents are more informed.

• Be more involved in your child’s education.

• Connect to your child through play and reading time.

• Be confident in your role as a parent.